By Their Fruit Blog

When you reinvent the wheel, you break a lot of wagons…

Reading Time: 4 minutes When you reinvent the wheel, you break a lot of wagons… I always picture a wagon wheel when someone says “Let’s not re-invent the wheel!” I picture a rickety ancient wooden cart. But what if we DID want to re-invent a wheel? I imagine this scene in the middle ages…a bunch of farmers standing around …

When you reinvent the wheel, you break a lot of wagons… Read More »

Battered Women saved my life..

Reading Time: 3 minutes Battered women Saved my life We don’t really say battered women anymore…we say domestic abuse survivors..domestic violence victims…sexual assault survivors…(“survivor” whenever possible as its more empowering  and dignifying to a person than “victim”) These women would save my life.  I found myself in Domestic Violence advocacy after I graduated from IHOPU. (IHOP-KC’s ministry school/unaccredited “university”)  …

Battered Women saved my life.. Read More »

Welcome you will know them by their fruit…

Reading Time: 3 minutes “There is so much air out here…” -IHOPU graduate, referring to life after leaving… What….is…..THIS???(My first blog post…for all five of you…thanks for being here ..who reads blogs anymore? hi mom….)Hello. You may think you have stumbled upon yet another deconstruction page, a blasting of the church page, or an IHOP smear campaign. You have …

Welcome you will know them by their fruit… Read More »